Viewing page 318 of 398

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19195 Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903
19196 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]]
19197 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]]
19198 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] = 19042
19199 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] Olethreutis coruscana Cl
19200 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] = 19042
19201-14 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] Crambus toparius Zell
19215 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]]
19216 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] = 18792
19217 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] Acleris variana Fern
19218 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]]
19219 " " [dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC]] (by Mr. Currie) " [[ditto for: June 11, 1903]] = 18602
19220 " " " " dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC (by Mr. Currie) June 11, 1903]] Lycaena clara Hy Edw
19221 " " " " dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC (by Mr. Currie) June 11, 1903]] Venusia duodecemlineata 
19222 " " " " dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC (by Mr. Currie) June 11, 1903]] = 19186
19223 " " " " dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC (by Mr. Currie) June 11, 1903]] = 19178
19224 " " " " dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC (by Mr. Currie) June 11, 1903]] = 19178
19225-6 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] Erastria albidula Gn
19227 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]]
19228 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] = 19186
19229 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] = 18924
19230 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] = 18597
19231 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]]
19232 " " " [[dittos for: Fletchers Ranch, Mirror Lake BC June 11, 1903]] = 
19233 Kaslo BC Mr. Cockle, [[female symbol]] eggs Tephroclystis = 17070
19234 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC Mr. Cockle, [[female symbol]] eggs]] Leucania heterodoxa = 18600
19235 " [[ditto for: Kaslo BC]] June 11 1903 = 19234 = 18600
19236 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC June 11 1903]] = 19085
19237 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC June 11 1903]] Samia rubra Behr
19238-40 [[Iss.?]] Kaslo BC., June 12 " [[ditto for: 1903]] (leaf roller on aspen) = 19140
19241 " " " " [[dittos for: [[Iss.?]] Kaslo BC., June 12 1903]] (BB1155) Phyllocnistis populiella
19242 Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11 Tortrix [[minnistrana?]] Linn
19243 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] Polygonia satyrus Edw
19244 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]]
19245 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] = 18593
19246-56 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] = 19204
19257 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] = 18871
19258 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] 
19259 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] Gracilaria elongella L
19260 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]]
19261 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] = 19163
19262 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] = 18661
19263-76 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] = 19225
19277-8 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] = 18793
19279-80 " " " [[dittos for: Kaslo BC from Mr. Cockle, some  collected at Fletcher's June 11]] = 19186

Transcription Notes:
Entries 19242 and 3, location description with brackets to indicate single sentence but entered on two lines. I assumed dittos for entry 19243. Possible "minnistrana" (entry 19242) may be a misspelling of "ministrana".