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46 Friday May 12th 1843

  Tried this afternoon the transmissibility of sulphat and acetate of Zinc - found that they should be classed with nitric acid and the other substances which have little transmissibility

  Made a comparative experiment on the effect of the exposure of a quantity of the sulphuret of lime to the reflected sun light and the electrical spark.  The effect was much more brilliant with the electrical discharge once made from a single jar than from the reflected sun light for 60 seconds.  By reflected sun light is here understood the ordinary reflection of bright sun shine from buildings and other objects.

  The phosphorescent light becomes quite brilliant after a few moments exposure of the sulphurate for a few moments to the direct action of bright sun shine.  


[[underlined]] Friday [[/underlined]] 12th

  Examined the plate of camphor used in the last experiment in reference to its action on light; found that it possessed the polarizing structure as indicated by its depolarizing power between the tourmalines.  
  I was occupied during the remainder of this day in preparing a frame to support a tube on the end of Melonies pile to study the radiation from the moon and the sky. Did not however, succeed in getting the apparatus arranged in time for the experiment.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Saturday May 13th     47
 Prepaird a plate for the chemical emination submitted it to the electrical spark screaned by a plate of glass and a plate of [[strikeout]] sulp [[/strikeout]] carbonate of lime placed side by side. I could perceve however very little impression and no difference in the action on the plate under the two substances.

 Tried alcohol, acetic acid , & [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]]the sul acid:
  The order of transmissability was as follows: 
[[the following note appears to the left of the bracketed list]]
coloured less transparent solutions  
[[bracketed list]]
 acetic acid
 sulphuric acid
[[/bracketed list]]
[[the following note appears to the right of the bracketed list]]
all nearly opaque, the pos-genic emanation

Next tried oil of anniscede, found it more opaque than alcohol
           acetic acid
           acetate of lime

Found that [[underlined]] Ices transmitts [[/underlined]] the emination as readily as water.

  Also Rochelle Salts transmits
     copal     }  opaque to the emination
   & saltpeter }

Next tried spirits of turpentine, found it in comparison with water almost opaque.
  Horn depolarizes light, but it transmitts the phosgenic emination about as glass.

Tried relative transmissability of fluid and crown glass found little or no difference.

Transcription Notes:
2014-10-17-BW Melonies is mostly likely a misspelling of Melloni's; Melloni being a phsycist 2014-10-17-BW annisceded and anniscede are likely misspellings of aniseed (Anise).