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136 Jany 8th 1845

[[Three drawings in the left margin top of page]]
Next made arrangements to get signs of this induction in, for this purpose suspended the upper plate at the distance of about 18 inches from the floor, [[strikethrough]] with this arrangement [[/strikethrough]] and the under one was at first placed with a foot of the ceiling beneath by means of a long pole on the top of which it was supported. The end of the wire [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]] was attached to a lead pipe connected with the line gutter of the house. When the sparks were passed between a ball and the machine, the needle became magnetic in one of the spirals,- and so strong was the induction, that sparks were heard passing between the spires of the helix.- The whole of this effect consisted in suddenly relieving the upper plate of the redundant electricity, and at that just the natural electricity returned to the plate below. (This experiment was completed on the morning of the 9th,-preparations on the 8th.) [[squiggly line across the page]]
Made a few experiments in the evening on the illumination of a long thin wire [see my communication to the British Association 1837]
   Found nothing new of any consequence. Found that there was no perceptible difference in the affect as judged of by the eye, whether the sparks thrown on the end of the long wire were from the long 14 feet conductor, the large plate,- or the ball of the machine. I also tried the effect of [[image]] placing wire points on the wire as at [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]], but the brush was not longer from this than from the other part of the machine. [[end of page]]   

[[Start of page]]
Jany 9th 1845     
[[drawing in left margin of page]]

  The last experiment was extended by elevating the upper plate to the distance of 5 feet above the floor, and gradually depressing the lower plate until in the last attempt it rested on the floor of the room below. With this distance, the effect was still perceptible. The needles were magnetized with an ascending current, that is with one upwards towards the lower plate.
  This effect was produced as in the last case, by discharging the upper plate.
   The whole distance at which this induction was manefest in this experiment, 5+1+13= 19 feet through a floor of about one foot thick, consisting on the upper side of inch boards, and on the under of lath and plaster.
[[squiggly line across the page]]
Next attempted to to produce the induction in the room next below the last, namely in the kitchen, but in this I was not successful, no signs of the effect could be perceived. The experiment however was not very well conditioned, I could not get a good discharging train, and the plate was not insulated. From the result of these experiments, I do not doubt that inductive effects from the clouds could be obtained by mearly insulating a disc of the kind I have used; and connecting this with the ground by means of a fine wire in the circuit of which a spiral is placed.   [[end of page]]