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Jany(Monday 13th 1845
The sky is overcast this morning no opportunity of going on with the observations on the sun
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[[image - experimental apparatus]] Insulated jar removed cover and knob, - 2u as to charge it by means of sparks, - while the inner coating was not opposed by the outer, by this arrangement I found as I had expected,that the jar could be charged without exhibiting signs of free electricity on one side more than on the other. In this case, when the discharge was passed, no lateral spark was given off, and the wire placed as in the figure, and in connection with the earth transmitted no discharge as indicated by the needle in the spiral. This is in opposition to many of my previous accounts-, only apparently,so the plus and minus currents from different ends of the wire neutralize each other.

When the same jar was charged in the usual way with a ball projecting from the middle, a spark passed to the knuckle, and the needle was magnetized by a current downwards.

Next, arranged the spirals to get current of third order, found this was produced wether the jar, was used with or without a knob. The current induction therefore appears to be independant of the free electricity, although the induction at right angles appears to be dependent on it. The third current was [[underline]][[image - positive sign]] in all the [[/underline]] spirals of the set used. [[end page]]

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Jany Monday 13th 1845
Made an arrangement for Scd_ current in a detached spiral [[underline]] a [[/underline]] [see figure], and on this placed a flat board covered with tin foil. When the jar was used without knob, no spark could be obtained from the flat board, but when the free electricity was increased by using the knob and the prime conductor of the machine, a smart spark passed to the knuckle brought near the board.

The arrangement of apparatus remaining as before, sparks were thrown from the machine without the jar. Now the spark from the plate was quite powerful. The discharge from the conductor is [[circle]] unaltered [[/circle]] with the negative current.

Next put on the glass of the 2nd current, the spiral for a third current,_ the induction being produced by the sparks current in all the spirals was [[image - negative sign]].

In another experiment, the repitition of the last found an oscillation,_ the most convoluted spiral gave feeble - minus, the simple spiral strong minus.

With the jar removed, and the spark thrown on to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] a ball at the end of the primary spiral, the needles were differently magnetized in the different spirals.-

Commenced to examine the jar without knob etc. 

[[image - experimental apparatus]] First jar without knob tested by means of a [[strikethrough]] silk [[/strikethrough]] ball suspended by a silk thread[[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]], found no free elect on either side.- Discharged the jar - no induction from the outside.-