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[[start page]]
[[top margin]]152 Jany 14th 1845 Condition of a discharging wire[[/top margin]]
Repeated the experiment with the jar - 
needles very slightly magnetized o- --

Opened the circut in the water at [[underline]]d[[/underline]], 
charge about the same, all the needles 

Repeated last experiment, all things the 
same. all the needles +++

Repeated same with opening at [[underline]]d[[/underline]], closed 
needles, all +++, but not quite as strongly 
as in some of the other cases.

These experiments conclusively 
show that the several parts even of a 
short wire, are not at the moment 
of the discharge in the same electrical 
state relative to each other. Also that 
there are oscillations from one end to
the other. 

[[figure on left]] The last experiments
were varied by bringing 
the ends of the middle of
the cross wire nearly into contact.
When the jar was discharged,
a spark passed between the two points at [[underline]]a[[/underline]].
[[indent]] These exp, must be made with
a larger rectangle. ----------[[/end indent]]

The ends of the wire [[underline]]a[[/underline]] b may be connected with earth, and
in this way the disturbed electry in the wire will be dischared in
one direction, and probably, the needles will be more strongly magnetized. 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[top margin]]Jany 15 1845 Examination of lateral spark 153[[/top margin]]
Commenced farther investigation of the lateral
spark from long wire. __ For this purpose,
suspended the wire [[underline]]a[[/underline]] from the
long wire by twisting one end around
the wire, and hanging the other
by means of a fine fibre
[[figure from left, across page width]]
of silk to the long wire,
at the distance of 1/20th of an inch. When the machine was turned, sparks half an inch long could
be drawn from the long wire, but no spark
was observed to pass between the small ball [[underline]]a[[/underline]]
and the wire.
When the wire [[underline]] b' c'[[/underline]] was arranged, as shown
in the figure, by suspension, a spark was passed
at each point [[underline]]b'[[/underline]] c', but the affect was much
increased by drawing at the same time a
spark from the wire by means of the conductor [[underline]]f[[/underline]].
[[figure across page width]]
When the discharging [[underline]]d[[/underline]] was in the position 
[[underline]]d[[/underline]], no spark passed at[[underline]]a[[/underline]], though large one passed at [[underline]]b[[/underline]], but when the same ball and wire were
placed near the other end of the suspended wire
as in the position [[underline]]d'[[/underline]], sparks passed. __ This is an
illustration of the exp. given by Walker page

For a paper relative to lateral discharge, see Nicholson's Journal 4[[circled]]to[[/circled]] vol 1, account of Van
Marums machine.
[[end page]]