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156 Jany 16th 1845 condition of long wire-spark

Made an arrangement similar to the last, and placed a magnetizer spiral at the opening [[underlined]] b [[/underlined]], found the needle unmagnetized._

Repeated same experiment with same result.

Again the same experiment, the needle slightly magnetized with a [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]] current, again same result.

Again made the opening at [[underlined]] C [[/underlined]] much greater, needle slightly magnetized with a [[underlined]] plus [[/underlined]] current.

Repeated same exp with same arrangement. Same result, current plus that is in the same direction with the current from the machine.

[[Image with the notation: 25 feet]]
Next made an arrangement as in the figure. In the middle of the secondary wire at [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]], a break was made, and into this was inserted a magnetizer spiral. The balls at [[underlined]] c [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] b [[/underlined]] being placed at the distance of about 1/10 of an inch from the end of the conductors, the spark passed in each, and the needle was magnetized strongly in a [[strikethrough]] plus [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]] direction.

Repeated this experiment 6 times in succession, and always with the same results. Needle constantly magnetized in an adverse direction quite powerfully.
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Jany 16th 1845 Lateral spark from long wire  157

Next brought the secondary wire at [[underlined]] c [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] b [[/underlined]] incontact with the insulated conductors, [I called them insulated, they were however in contact with the wire], the needle was now magnetized by a [[underlined]] plus [[/underlined]] current.

Removed the ball [[underlined]] b [[/underlined]] from the conductor to the distance of 1/2 an inch, while the ball [[underlined]] c [[/underlined]] was at the distance of about 1/10th of an inch, still the current as indicated by the needle was [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]].

Next removed the same ball to the distance of a foot or more, and put my knuckle to the ball so as to draw off a spark, now the needle was magnetized with a plus current but not strongly.

Placed the ball and conductor in contact at [[underlined]] b [[/underlined]] while they were 1/4 of an inch apart at [[underlined]] C [[/underlined]]. - Needle unmagnetized or very slightly affected.

Next opened [[underlined]] b [[/underlined]], shut [[underlined] c [[/underlined]], now needle strongly magnetized with [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]] current. [Singular result but in accordance with the others)

Next removed the magnetizing spiral, and put in its place an apparatus for the pierced card, with this the current appeared to be both ways very near the middle, the hole was pierced a little nearing the farther point from the machine.

Replaced the card apparatus [[strikethrough]] means [[/strtikethrough]] by [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] the magnetizing spiral, introduced a darning needle, found it strongly magnetized by a [[underlined]] minus [[/underlined]] current.