Viewing page 15 of 39

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1 Chickadee
1 Orchard Oriole [[male symbol]] several times
P. Martin (babies)

6-12-60 Overcast-
shower at 6:00AM-
60-80 [[degree symbol]]     P. Martins
2 Titmice                2 Cardinals
2 Jays                   2 Song Sps.
2 Catbirds                Engl. Sps.
Robins                     Starlings
2 Doves            2-[[diagonal 
[[red asterisk]] 1 Wood Thrush in back yd -
1 Yellow-billed Cuckoo calling 
                            in night
Crow                         2 Jays
Song Spar.                   Eng sparrows
P. Martins                   Starlings
2 Catbirds                   6-8 Robins
Mockingbirds                 Goldfinch
Ch. Swifts
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
6-14-60 = 1 1/2 in. rain

6-15-60 - 1 1/2 in. " over
5 Doves in cul-de sac.
(2 at feeder later)
Robins       Cardinals
Engl. Sps.   Starlings
Martins      Song Sps.
3-4 Jays     Goldfinch
Catbirds     1 Br. Thrasher
Ch. Swifts   Meadowlark

5+ Doves     Jays
2 Robins courting
Martins    2 [[babies?]] 
Mockers    2 Jays
Cardinals  Eng. Sp.
Song Sp.   Doves
Crows      2 Titmice
[[end page]]