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Catbirds (+ egg shell)
7-5-60- [[underline]]To Michigan [[/underline]] overcast
Mockingbirds    Doves
Martins         Eng. Sps
Catbirds        Ch. Sp.
Song Sps.       Ind. Bunting
Jays            Robins
5 Starlings
Bob White

7-19-60 Home!
3:40 PM, EDT-

2 Doves        Starlings
Thrashers      Song Sps
Downy          Robins
Catbirds       Engl. Sps.
Grackles       P. Martins
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
7-20-60 clear, warm
P. Martins             6-8 Robins
2 Catbirds & young     3 mockingbirds 
Thrashers              2+ Song Sps
                       Engl. Sps.
1 Wood Peewee nearby   2-3 Barn swallows                     
1 Yellowthroat "       
1 Meadowlark"          5 Ch. Swifts
Grackles               Starlings
1 Crow                 Cardinals
2 Doves                1 Goldfinch
1 Indigo Bunt. [[red pencil mark]] * [[/red pencil mark]]          
[[double underline]]3[[/double underline]] Hummingbirds
1 Cowbird              Jays

7-21-60 clear, cooler

1 Yellowthroat         Robins
1 Meadowlark           Cardinals
1 Goldfinch            Martins
Mockingbirds           Catbirds
5 Ch. Swifts           2 Jays
2 Grackles             2 Doves
Starlings              6 Barn Swallows

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