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Indigo Bunting     Peewee
Cardinals          Martins
Song Sps.          Ch. Swifts
Barn Sw.           Goldfinch
Thrasher           15-20 Robins
Engl. Sps.         Starlings
Grackle            Cowbird
Hummingbird        Doves

3 Doves            Robins w/ young
2 Kingbirds        Cardinals
Song Sps.          75-100 Martins
Thrasher           Engl. Sps.
Cowbirds           Starlings
Ch. Swifts         Grackles
2 Hummingbirds     Catbirds & young

8-10-60  Cool, 60 [[degree symbol]] - 84 [[degree symbol]]
3 Doves at Feeder   Robins & young
1 Indigo Bunting singing   2-4 Jays
2 Cowbirds          Hummingbirds

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2 Song Sps.         Starlings

Chickadee nearby   Robins
Catbirds           Cardinals
Thrasher           Song Sps.
Starlings          Engl. Sps.

8-13-60  Steady drizzle after all-night rain -

9 Martins         Song Sps.
8-10 Robins       2 Jays
2 Grackles        5* Cardinals
Flicker calling   Starlings
Doves             2 Jays
Downy calling     Catbird
Goldfinches       3 Ch. Swifts
1 House Wren      Mockingbirds

* 1 ad. [[female symbol]] 2 ad. [[male symbol]] 2 imm.