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8-19-60         60°-80°
Robins          2 Doves
Song Sps.       2 Jays
Engl Sps.       1-2 Starlings

8-20-60    Sat.
 [[red X]] Downy ♀ on bare Mimosa
 6 cardinals at feeder
 2 Humming birds
[[four plus symbols drawn in square formation]] Chimney Swifts overhead
 Song sp.    Eng sp.

8-21-60     hummingbirds
grackle     Robin
Mockingb    Cardinal
 Trasher         Hummingbirds
 Cardinals       Mockingbirds
 Goldfinch       Song Spr.
 Engl. Spr.      Grockles
 Ch. Swifts      Starlings

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[[start page]]

8-23-60     65°-88°

 2 Jays      2 Doves
[[red *]]Redstart ([[imm?]]♂) 6-8 Cardinals
 Ch. Swifts    Grackles
 Song Spr.   Catbirds
[[strikethrough]] Thrasher [[/strikethrough]] Mockers
[[red *]] 1 Empidonax Flycatcher
    (prob. Acadian)
[[red *]] 1 Nighthawk flying SE 

  8-24-60         60°-82°
  3 Doves         6-8 Cardinals
[[red *]] 1 Janin Blackpoll?  Eng. Spr.
  Downy calling      2-3 Jays
  Robins             Catbird

8-25-60        55°-
 Robins         2 Catbirds
 Song Sps.      Jays
 Chickadees     Engl. Sps.
 Cardinals      Hummingbird