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9-10-60 Thunder storm last night 70° - 85° 

[[red *]] Olive-beaked Thrashers overhead
[[red check]] Flicker calling nearby
[[red check]] Killdeer overhead 
[[red check]] 1 yellowthroat [[female symbol]] AM&PM
Robins                    2 Catbirds
Thrasher                  1 Song Sp.
75-100 Swifts circling    Cardinals
from SW to NE

9-11-60 - Rain (& thunder) [[underline]]last nite[[/underline]] 65-80

[[red check]]Downy
[[red *]]1 Yellow-thr. Vireo(5c) 2 ea             Catbirds
[[red *]] 2X Magnolia W. [[female symbol]] 2 ea   Robins
[[red *]] 2x Yellow W. [[female symbol]] 2 ea     Thrasher
(prob. Alaskan)                                   Song Sps
Mockingbirds 4                                    Engl. Sps
Cardinals 6-8                                     Jays

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Grackles                    Swifts
Starlings     [[red check]] Baltimore Oriole ♀
Goldfinch.                  2-3 Doves
            je ce se
* 1 Scarlet Tanager ♀     X Blackpoll
* 1 Tenneesee w.            3 Crows
2 Chickadees                3-4 Titmice [[circle]]24[[/circle]]

[[underline]]9-12-60  1st day of school[[/underline]]
5 cardinals                 Jay
2 doves                     Robins
1 Rusty Blackbird           Song Sp.
Engl. Sps.                  Starlings
Grackles                    Crows
Mockingbird                 Thrasher
Catbird                     2 Chickadees
2 Titmice

3 Doves                     Jays
thrasher                    Chickadees
Catbirds                    Mockingbirds
Robin                       Song Sps.
Bobolinks overhead          Robins
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