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Engl. Sps.          Starling
1 Catbird           1 Thrasher
* Rusty Blackbirds (large flock) in woods near Wrenns
2 Chickadees        1 Downy nearby
1 Flicker nearby    2 Titmice

7 Cardinals          Robins
Male Downy (2X)      Song Sp.
Doves                Ch. Swifts
[[red check]] Towhee in yard
Rusty Blackbirds
[[red check]] 1 Rose Br. Grosbeak [[female symbol]]
1 Bluebird - 33rd & Underwood
2 Rosebr. Grosbeak [[female symbol]][[male symbol]]
Crows               Downy
Rusty Blackbirds    Engl. Sps
4-6 Mockingbirds    Robins
Goldfinch[[superscript//male symbol//]]in puddle
thrasher out back
Catbird             Jays
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
20-30 Rusty b.b -[[superscript//ce je//]]
Downy              Mockingbirds
2 Thrashers        Engl. Sps.
[[red check]] 1 Rose-br. Grosbeak   Starlings
2 doves            chickadees
catbird            titmice
Song Sps.
[[red check]] 2 Wood Thrushes at
Columbia & Cherry - on
6-8 C. Swifts
6-8 Cardinals       Jays

1 Rose br. Grosbeak        6-10 Cardinals
in Sweet Gum [[inserted text/Juv. Male again 3:30/inserted text]] [[inserted text//Smoke Tree//inserted text]] Titmice
4-5 Crows                  2 Catbirds [[check]]
Jays [[inserted text//20-25 wave 4 PM 15 at 6:15 PM//inserted text]]  Thrasher
250-300 Rusty Blackbirds   Song Sps.
6-8 Mockingbirds           1 Robin
[[red check]] Ol-backed Thrushes - 6:00 am
Autumn 9:00 PM.
[[end page]]