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√ Olive-backed Thrushes 6:00-6:10AM 3 Doves
Jays (10)                          40-50 Starlings overhead
                                   3 Robins
√ 1 Empidonax                      20-30 Rusty Bl.
√ 1 Tenn. Warbler
Cowbird? ♀ west feeder

9-24-60     52 degrees -

√ Swainson's Thrushes overhead 6:00-6:10 A.M.
                                   6-10 Cardinals
                                   3 Starlings
2 Song Sps.                        2 Catbirds
6-8 Mockingbirds                   2 Thrashers
√ *Jays                            1 Downy ♀
√ 1 Flicker flying over  √1 Yellowthroat ♂
√ 3[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] Blackpoll W's                                
10 Swifts                          3 Rustys
*Drifting over all day -- perhaps 200-300

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√ Jays -- all day -- streaming by
√ 1 Yellowthroat ♂                2 Thrashers
2 Catbirds                      √ 1 T. Vulture
√ 3 Red-tailed Hawks (12:10PM)  √ 1 Rose br. Grosbeak
                                  1 Dove
* 1 Pigeon Hawk                   2 Song Sps.
1 Empidonax in willow

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[[underline]]9-25-60[[/underline]]    Sunday 2 PM
  Hunting Creek                
Kingfisher                     Robin
Sanderling                    {Ruff   
Spotted Sandpiper             {European shorebird; occas here
Baird     "                    Kildeer
Least     "                    Semi palmated Plover
Pectoral  "                    Black Ducks
Common Egret                   Ringbilled Gulls
Stilt Sandpiper
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