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[[underlined]] 12-15 Robins [[/underlined]] etc.

8-10-64  58 [[degree symbol]] - 78 [[degree symbol]]
Fine, cool day - overcast most of day.

Song Sps.   Doves
Downy   Jays
Cardinals   Grackles
Martins   Catbirds
House Wren   Mockers & young
10-12 Robins etc.
Hum bird
[[red pencil]] [[checkmark]] [[/red pencil]] 2 Tomato

8-11-64  62 [[degree symbol]] - 86 [[degree symbol]]

8-13-64  67 [[degree symbol]] - 91 [[degree symbol]]

8-14-64  55 [[degree symbol]] - 76 [[degree symbol]]
[[red pencil]] [[checkmark]] [[/red pencil]]  Goldfinch (at feeder)   Jays
Crows (after Hawk?)   Doves
Titmice   Downy

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Grand day - low [[underlined]] humidity [[/underlined]]

Martins   Robins
Cardinals   Mockers
[[underlined]] Goldenrod blooming [[/underlined]]

8-14-64 Fri. 55 [[degree symbol]] - 77 [[degree symbol]]
Crisp, cool - clear

[[red pencil]] * [[/red pencil]] Blue Gray Gnatcatcher    Jays
 on back porch rail 6:45 AM   Doves
Hummingbird [[checkmark]]  Cardinals
Catbirds   Grackles
Engl. Sps.   4 Titmice
Song Sps.   Starlings
Ch. Swifts   Robins
Mockers   P. Martins

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