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8-26-64 65[[degree symbol]] - 90[[degree symbol]]
Hot-moderately humid - usual birds

8-27-64 62[[degree symbol]] - 83 [[degree symbol]]
Turned cold

2 Chickadees
3 Titmouse
         JE Party -107 peoples
8-29-64  65[[degree symbol]]-86[[degree symbol]]

Catbirds     Doves
Crows        Mockers
Cardinals    Robins
Jays         goldfinches
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[[appears to have been written over]] [strikethrough]]Doves[[/strikethrough]]  Ch. Swifts
Titmice  Hummingbird
Brown Thrasher[[/written over]]

Young doves apparently have hatched
8-30-64 Sun.
Good rain in afternoon. 0.56".

Thrasher      Chickadees
Catbirds      Titmice
Mockers       Cardinals
Doves         Robins
Jays          Grackles
Crows         Starlings
Engl. Sps.    Goldfinches
Song Sps.     Hummingbird

8-31-64   70[[degree symbol]]-88[[degree symbol]]