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[[red checkmark]] 2 Swainson's Thr. in yard.
[[underlined]] 9-18-64 [[/underlined]] 62 [[degree mark]] - 79 [[degree mark]]
Fine Day!
2 Chickadee   Crows
6-8 Cardinals   Jays
Doves   Downy [[female symbol]]
Yellow Throat I think   Thrashers
Song sp.   1 Starling
Eng sp.   2 Catbirds
6-8 Mockingbirds   Swifts
[[strikethrough]] 6-8 Cardinals [[/strikethrough]]

9-19-64 Sat. 60 [[degree mark]] - 77 [[degree mark]]
Heavy overcast - light occ. showers starting last midnight
[[red checkmark]] Swainson's Thrs.   Jays
(small flight - 6:00 AM)
2 Chickadees   Doves
2 Titmice      Robins
Crows          Mockers
Song Sps.      Cardinals

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Catbirds   Downy [[male symbol]]
Grackles   Engl. Sps.
[[red checkmark]] Rose-br. Grosbeak   Thrasher
(3-4 times)   Ch. Swifts

9-20-64 Sun. [[red strikethrough]] 60 [[degree mark]] - 77 [[degree mark]] [[/red strikethrough]]
Heavy overcast - rain much of last night - cool [[strikethrough]] 0.3" [[/strikethrough]]
[[red checkmark]] Total [[red underline]] 1.75" [[/red underline]] for two days. 
[[red checkmark]] Ovenbird (all day)   Robins
[[red checkmark]] Flicker   [[red checkmark]] Rose-br. Grosbeak
Chickadees   Jays
Titmice      Doves
Crows        Mockers
[[red checkmark]] 2 Cape May Ws (imm.)(all day)  Grackles
Song Sps.    Starlings
Thrashers    Engl. Sps.
Catbirds     Ch. Swifts