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[[checkmark with superscript 1]] Plus 1 on porch rail in late afternoon - + in crabapple

Downy ♂ ♀  [[red √]]3[[√ with superscript 1]]Redstarts together
[[red *]] Hairy ♀                  [[red √]] 2 Magnolias
[[red *]] 2 Bl.-thr. Green Ws.               Cardinals
1 Goldfinch                        [[red √]] 1 Swainson's Thr

[[underlined]] 9-21-64 [[/underlined]] 56°- 74° Great day!
Downy ♂
[[red *]] Ruby crowned Kinglet - [[on Ash W. end]] etc.

9/22/64  53°-77°
Grand day - wind 10-15 mph
W - Hurricane Gladys off Hatteras
[[red √]] Rose-br. Grosbeak
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[[start page]]
[[underline]]9-23-64[[/underline]] Wed. warm 53°-88°
[[red √]] Redstart ♀ [[red √]] R. br. Grosbeak [[red pencil]] 2X [[/red pencil]]
Chickadee                      5 Swifts
Cardinals                        Goldfinch
Catbirds                         Jays
Downy                            Doves
Mockers                          Eng. sps.
[[superscript]]red *[[/superscript]] [[red pencil]] * [[/red pencil]] Sapsucker in            Mockers
Grackles      [[strike through]] Engl. Sps. [[/strike through]]
Starlings                        Song Sps.
[[red pencil]]√[[/red pencil]] Cape Mays   Robins(many)
Grand day!

9-24-64 Thurs 54°-83°
Another fine day -

[[red pencil]]√[[/red pencil]] Rose-br Grosbeak   Doves
Swainson's Thrushes                               Jays
Robins                                            2 Chickadee
titmice                        [[strike through]] titmouse 
Robin [[/strike through]]           Thrush at furthest hubcap.
                                    Pretty sure oliveback

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