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1 or 2 Hummingbirds (1 [[female symbol]] )
[[red asterick]] 2 Gray - cheeked Thrushes
4 Catbirds    3 Cowbirds

Rain started last night - 
steady light rain - 
Wind W 10-20 mph - rain
interm. all day - at times a
Downy on Oranges stump
[[red checkmark]] Swainson's Thrushes
calling overhead at 8:10 P.M. in heavy fog + misty rain
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9-29-64  44°-60°
My Birthday!  Rain
continued intermittently all day - usually light-a wonderful rain
Downy    etc.

9-30-64   52°-63°
Overcast - intermittent drizzle, mist + rain.
Downy, etc.
Approx 2" by end of day

Overcast - drizzle in afternoon -
Downy     Chickadees
[[Red asterick]] Louis. Water Thr.   Titmice

Oct 1- Thurs  50°-63°
Downy [[male symbol]] etc - interm. rain

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