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[[underline]]Oct 2 - 1964 [[/underline]] 52°-68°

[[underline red pencil]] 2 [[/underline red pencil]] Olive-back Thrushes together on sidewalk front of house. Conspec eye ring

Rain all day - varying from mist to hard showers

10-3-64 Sat. 52°-73°
Bright day - mild-wind
West 5-15 mph

Louisiana Water Thrush (all over yard)  Jays
Robins                                  Song Sps.
Cardinals                               Jays
Doves                                   Grackle
Mockers                                 Chickadees
Engl. Sps.                              Starlings
Catbirds                      [[red √]] Flicker (3-4X)
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[[red √]] Sapsucker (imm ♂)
6-10 [[strikethrough]] 2[[/strikethough]]  Ch. Swifts
[[Red *]] 1 Broadwing  1:25 PM
            Sailing due South
[[Red √]] 1 Swainson's Thrush
[[red √]] 1 Cape May W.
[[Red √]] 1 Towhee nearby
2 Downy ♀♂
Cowbird (imm)

10-4-64 Sun. 50°-66°
Heavy overcast - light rain
beginning 9:10 AM.-
most of day + evening
Titmice               Song Sps.
Chickadees            Jays
Cardinals             Doves
Robins                Song Sps.
Mockers               Engl. Sps.
[[red √]] Sapsucker   Thrasher

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