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[[red underline]] 10/28/64 [[/red underline]] Wed. 37° - 72°
Perfect again!

6 Jays
[[red]] * [[/red]] Least Flycatcher (or Alder)
very small, [[double underline]] white under [[/double underline]] ; conspic eye ring; extra loud back wing pattern.  See Peterson's smallest Empidmax. Darting in and out lower left limbs of Scotch Pine, adjacent to McIntosh apple tree; lots of apples all around.
[[margin note circled in red with arrow to "Least Flycatcher" above]] Latest record [[/martin note circles in red]]
[[margin note]] Saw for 10-15 minutes to study thru glasses & Petersons [[/margin note]]

10-29-64  50° - 74°
Overcast - then clearing - balmy day
Grackle    [[strikethrough]] 2-3 [[/strikethrough]] 6 White-thr
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
6-8 White throat ♂♀ 4-5 PM Sue's apple
Titmouse            Downy ♀ at sunfl. fdr.
chickadee           Mockingbirds
8-10 Cardinals      100 Starlings soaring close

Glorious day again!

White-thrs. singing         2 Downys
Song Sps.     "             Engl. Sps.
6 Jays                      Mockers
Grackles                    Robins
Starlings                   Chickadee
Ruby-Cr. Kinglet            3 Doves
[[strikethrough]] Chic [[/strikethrough]  Titmice
Cardinals 100-120
√ 20+ C. Waxwings           Redwings
                            (3 flocks)
10-31-64 Sat.
[[red √]] Downy             White-thrs
Song Sps                    Titmice

[[arrow pointing from √ 20+ C. Waxwings down 3 lines to Downy]]
[[arrow pointing from Redwings down 3 lines to Song Sps in left column]]

[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
In last section, I wasn't sure whether the 100-120 referred to the Cardinals or the Redwings. Also, didn't know how to describe the arrows.