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6 Jays                            Engl. Sps.
Doves                             100-120 Redwings
Grackles                          (3 flocks flying East)
(1 yard--30-40 o'beam)            Crows
300-400 Starlings                 2 Titmice

Sue came home (10/31) 8:30 PM.

11-1-64 Sun. 35°-65°
Fabulous day!  Brilliant -- almost calm.

Downy ♂                      √ 3 TVs 10:35 AM (sailing NE to SW
Mockers                        Grackles
Cardinals                      Starlings
Song Sps.                      Engl. Sps.
Doves                          3 Robins
Jays                         √ 1 TV -- 11:35 -- same

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11-3-64  Tues.                 37°-60°
   Election Day
 Another perfect day -- after early morning fog.

11-4-64  Wed.  35°-67°
  Great Democratic landslide.
  Beautiful day --

11-5-64        36°-75°
  Partly overcast -- balmy -- great day again

6-8 Jays                           Dove
    Downy ♂                        Cardinals

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