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11-7-64   35°-68°
 Glorious day again!
Brilliant -- breeze 5-10 mph
 Lt. Frost on roofs -- 

2 White-Thr ♂♀            2-3 Crows
2 Downys ♂♀               6 Mockers
6-10 Cardinals            20-25 Engl. Sps.
6 Jays                    4-6 Song Sps (5)
30-40 Starlings           2-4 Titmice

11-8-64  35°-66°
  Ideal-day -- light breeze --

Goldfinches               Mockers
* Carolina Wren ♂ √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]
                          Song Sps.
Titmice                   Jays
2 Downys ♂♀               Doves
2-4 Crows                 Engl. Sps

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√[[superscript]]1[[/superscript]] C. Wren singing repeatedly nearby -- then came into shrubs & to birdbath

11-9-64  35°-66°

11-10-66  35°-69°
  Grand day -- Dr. & Mrs. Murray here for 10th Anniv. Meeting.
3 Doves
6 Jays                     6-10 Cardinals
6-8 Mockers                Titmice
3-4 Song Sps
Engl. Sps.

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