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[[red]] * Big Red-tailed Hawk circling 
South above Tyson's Corner
12:00 noon [[/red]]

Hairy ♀                          Mockers
Downy ♀                          Doves
Cedar Waxwings                   Jays
Song Sps.                        Starlings
Engl. Sps.                       Goldfinches
Juncos                           Crows

11-29-64 Sunday 40°-56°
     4:30 we put Orangee next to Girlie
  Grand day -- light clouds
Wind -- variable  10-15 mph.

2 White-throats                  Doves
Junco                            Jays
Mockers                          Crows
[[red]]*[[/red]] 1 Red-tailed Hawk (Imm.)
-- circling NE to SW at 2:15
[[red]]*[[/red]] 3 TV doing same 2:30
[[red]]*[[/red]] 1 Red-tail (Imm.) sailing
[[red]]√[[/red]]   NE at 2:37 (same bird?)
[[red]]X[[/]] 1 sp. Hawk just north of Tyson's C.

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  Orangee laid to rest beside 

3 Goldfinches                    Downy ♀
2 C. Waxwings

[[red]]√[[/red]] 1 Buteo about 2:00 --
  probably Red-tail --
  disappeared while
  I got binocs -- may
  be one I saw at
  2:15 P.M.

                           Tu went back to MWC 6:50
11-30-64                     25°-38°
 Heavy overcast -- first snow
 -- about 1" -- beg. 11:30 AM
Junco                      Mockers
Jays                       Cardinals
Doves                      Downy ♀

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