Viewing page 38 of 40

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Watch the Gehley Woodpile --
  Hairy was there and at west end fat

1-6-65 Wed.  30°-49°
overcast -- later clear
 y-b. Sapsucker                 2 Goldfinch
 Cardinals                        Juncos

1-7-65 Thurs. 25°-48°
Clear, calm -- heavy frost

2 Goldfinches                     Mockers
  Juncos                          Jays
  Y-b Sapsucker                   Doves
  Downy ♂♂ at fdr                 Engl. Sps.
  Cardinals                       Song Sps.

[[underline]] 1-8-65 [[/underline]]  Cloudy; rained 
                                   last night
[[red]] . [[/red]] y.b. Sapsucker -- bad left [[underline, red]]Foot[[/underline red]]

  Downy ♂♀                       2 Chickadees
  Cardinals                      2 Titmouse
[[checkmark, red]] Hairy ♀           Jays

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10 AM  1-8-65 -- cont --
  5 Goldfinches

[[underline]] 1-9-65 [[/underline]]
Partly overcast -- then rain 
starting 11:45 A.M.

[[red]] * [[/red]] Cowbird ♂                  Mockers
[[red]] * [[/red]] P. Finch ♂                 Starlings
  Doves                                     Engl. Sps.
4 Jays              3 [[strikeout]] 2 [[/strikeout]] Downy 2 ♂ 1 ♀
15-20 Cardinals                           * 2 Juncos
Crows         [[underline, red]] 38 [[/underline, red]] Chickadees
[[red]] * [[/red]] 1 Ruby-Cr. Kinglet
                         [[underline, red]] 3 [[/underline, red]] Titmice
6 Goldfinches              [[checkmark, red]] Hairy ♀
White-throat ♀
     * one singing "wet-wet" song as 
               rain began

[[underline]] 1-10-65 [[/underline]] snow  25°-35°
[[[checkmark, red]] Purple Finch♂  
                  20+ [[strikeout]] 10+ [[/strikeout]] Cardinals
Goldfinches                    1 White-throat ♀
2 Song sparrows                2 Juncos
Mockers                          Jays
Doves                            Titmice
Chickadees                       Starlings

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