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3 Red-bellies √∆  [[underlined]] 7 Chickadees [[/underlined]](5)
3 Downys  ∆                        4-6 Titmice (5)
1 Hairy ♂ ∆                        2 Nuthatches (5)
1 Red-shoulder                     2-3 Meadowlarks (5)
√[[underlined]] 1 Brown Creeper [[/underlined]]  1-2 Field Sps.(5)
1 Fish Crow                        2 Cowbirds  2♂∆

3-29-80  Sat.   46°–56°
Light showers all night --
[[underline]]continuing = 0.2”[[/underline]]

3-5 White-crowns                     6-10 Doves
2-4 Juncos                            7-8 Crows
10-15 White-throats                     4 Jays
20+ C. Waxwings                      100+ Grackles
[[circled]]*[[/circled]]1 Sharp-shin   6-8 Red-wings
100+ Robins                             2 Cowbirds
15-20 Cardinals                       40+ Starlings

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[[red]]At least 3 deer at Boxwood when we got home 6:40 P.M.[[/red]]
2-4 Mockers                        10-15 House Sps.
2-3 Flickers                         2-3 Song   "
2-3 Red-bellies                        1 C. Wren
3 Downys                             4-6 Goldfinches
1 Hairy ♂                            5-7 Chickadees
1 Pil. Woodpecker in yard            4-5 Titmice
[[underlined]]√ 2[[/underlined]] Towhees (15)   2 Nuthatches
2 Bluebirds                          2 Meadowlarks
1 TV                                 2 Field Sps.
6-10 Ring-billed Gulls               1 Chipping Sp. (5)
2-3 Herring       "                  1 Fish Crow
1 Killdeer

3-30-80  Sun.  47°-59°
Light fog; overcast all day;
wind in afternoon SE, 5-15 mph.
Drizzle beg. 6:15 P.M.

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