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[[circle]]*[[/circle]]1 Red-shoulder      1-2 Field Spr. (5)
2 Bluebirds                               3 Yellow-r. Ws.
1 Pil. Woodpecker                         1 Cowbird

4-1-80 Tues. 39°-57°
Sun early; mostly cloudy by 7:00 
A.M.-occ. sunshine - light 
variable breezes-

3-5 White-crowns       8-10 Doves
3-4 Juncos             7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats    3-4 Jays
20+ C. Waxwings        75-100 Grackles
60-75 Robins           6-10 Redwings
15-20 Cardinals        50+ Starlings
2-4 Mockers            10-15 House Sps.
3-4 Flickers           3 Song       "
3 Red-bellies          1 C. Wren

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3-4 Downys             4-6 Goldfinches
√[[red underline]]2 Hairys[[/red underline]] ♂♀  5-7 Chickadees
#(?) C. Geese ∆√[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]
                       4-5 Titmice
1 Pil. Woodpecker      2 Nuthatches
1 Phoebe               2-3 Meadowlarks
1 Killdeer             1-2 Field Sp.
3 TVs                  1 Chipping Sp.
[[circled]]*[[/circled]] Red-Shoulder         2 Bluebirds
* 1 Marsh Hawk ♂ √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]{S-N 4:03 PM              √ 1 Towhee [[double underline]](5)[[/double underline]]
√1 Gr. Blue Heron(to Pond) 1 Thrasher

√[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Few Geese calling - 
probably Cloverleaf flock-
10 there when I went by at
10:00 A.M.

4-2-80 Wed. 40°-
Overcast; wind SE, 10-20

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