Viewing page 13 of 63

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

3-5 White-crowns             8-10 Doves
2-4 Juncos                   7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats          2-4 Jays
15 C. Waxwings               200+ Grackles
√ [[underline]]2 Phoebes (28)[[/underline]]  2-8 Red-wings
1 Towhee ♀                   40-50 Starlings
[[circled red *]] 2 Red-shoulders  10-15 House Sps.
75-100 Robins                3 Song "
15-20 Cardinals              1 C. Wren
2-4 Mockers                  4-6 Goldfinches
4-5 Flickers                 5-7 Chickadees
2-3 Red-bellies              4-5 Titmice
3 Downys                     2 Nuthatches
1-2 Hairys                   2-3 Meadowlarks
2 TVs                        1-2 Field Sps.
2 Bluebirds                  1 Chipping "
[[circled red *]] 1 Red-tail  1 Yellow-r W.
1 Killdeer
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
4-3-80 Thurs. 41°
Today we meet the girls
at Salem Holiday Inn --
and get Rachel!!
  Few hazy clouds -- calm 

White-crowns                Doves
Juncos                      Crows
White-throats               Jays
C. Waxwings                 Grackles
Killdeer                    Red-wings
Robins                      Cowbirds
Cardinals                   Starlings
Mockers                     House Sps.
Pil. Woodpecker             Song "
Flickers                    C. Wren
Red-bellies                 Goldfinches
Downys                      Chickadees
Hairy                       Titmice

[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Entries on the same line in different columns are separated by two spaces.