Viewing page 14 of 63

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[[start page]]
Red-shoulder           Nuthatches
Towhee                 Meadowlarks
Phoebe                 Field Sps.
Bluebirds √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Chipping Sp.
[[large red *]] Osprey {S-NE 10:30

√ [[superscript over √]] ♂ + ♀ Bluebirds at & around 
nest box.

Arrived Holiday Inn, 
Salem, Va. 4:30 P.M. (lost 20 
min. in last 200 yards - car 
Girls arrived        P.M.

4-4-80 Fri. 50°-71°
Arrived home with Rachel 
about 1:55 P.M. - occ. light 
drizzle from Strasburg on -- 
gauge [[underline]]showed 0.7" rain [[/underline]] 
here -  just before we got home - 
pools in meadow --

[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[underline]] Home 1:55 P.M.√   Glorious 
aft. ––scattered clouds––wind 
NE, 15-[[red strikethrough]]40[[/red strikethrough]][[red]]45[[/red]] mph.

Juncos                                      Doves
White-throats                               Crows
Robins                                      Jays
Cardinals                                   Grackles
Mockers                                     Cowbirds
Pil. Woodpecker                             Starlings
Flickers                                    House Sps.
Red-bellies                                 Song "
Downys                                      C. Wren
Killdeer                                    Goldfinches
[[large red *]] Blue-gr. Gnatcatcher        Chickadees
Bluebirds                                   Titmice
White-crowns                                Nuthatches
[[red]]√[[/red] 1-2 House Finches           Meadowlarks
1 TVs                                       Field Sps.
                                            Chipping "

4-5-80 Sat. 44°-61°
Scattered cloudy; wind N, 15-
30 mph., all day - few
white & puffy clouds. Glorious

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