Viewing page 15 of 63

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3-4 White-crowns      6-8 Doves
1-2 Juncos            7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats   4 Jays √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]
6-8 C. Waxwings       50-75 Grackles
30-40 Robins          40+ Starlings
15-20 Cardinals       10-15 House Sps
3-4 Mockers           2-3 Song "
2-3 Flickers          1 C. Wren
2-3 Red-bellies       4 Goldfinches
2-3 Downys            6-7 Chickadees
1 Hairy               4-5 Titmice
2 Bluebirds           2 Nuthatches
TV                    2 Meadowlarks
2 Cowbirds            1-2 Field Sps.
[[red]]√[[/red]] 1 Towhee ♀          1 Chipping "
[[red]]√[[/red]] 1 Phoebe   [[red]]√[[/red]] 1 Thrasher
Birds at Holiday Inn, 
Salem, Va. 4/3 + 4/4- Juncos, 
Robins, Mockers, Towhee, 
Field Sp., Starlings,.

√[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Jay singing softly
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

4-6-80 Sun. 41°-65°
Our 40th Anniversary!!
Easter Sunday --
Cloudless; skim of ice 
on bird baths - yet Dulles' 
official temp. 41° - appar. colder
here - light, variable breezes in A.M.
- mostly SE.

[[red]]√[[/red]] [[red underline]] 1 Purple Finch ♂(5)[[/red underline]]                    Doves
White-crowns                   Crows
Juncos                         Jays
White-throats                  Grackles
C. Waxwings                    Red-wings
2 Towhees ♂ (5) ♀              Starlings  [[∆?]]
2 C. Geese {E-W, low Local     House Sps.
1 Red-Shoulder                 Song "
Robins                         C. Wrens
Cardinals                      Goldfinches
Mockers                        Chickadees
Flickers                       Titmice
Red-bellies                    Nuthatches
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