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Away 10:25 A.M. -- 4:00 PM
Church & Reeders

Downys             Meadowlarks
Hairy              Field Sps.
1 TV               Chipping "
1 Thrasher         4 Ring-b. Gulls
2 Bluebirds

4-7-80 Mon. 43°-
Cloudy; wind S, 10-20 mph.
gusty - higher gusts 12:30-1:00
(I was napping!)-drizzle
began 4:00 P.M.

3-5 White-crowns        8-10 Doves
1-2 Juncos              7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats     4 Jays
10-12 C. Waxwings       100+Grackles
2 Bluebirds             7-8 Red-wings
1 Thrasher √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]
                        2-4 Cowbirds
50+ Robins              40+ Starlings
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[[start page]]
15-20 Cardinals           10-15 House Sps.
2-4 Mockers               2-3 Song "
4-6 Flickers              1 C. Wren
2-3 Red-bellies           4-5 Goldfinches
2-3 Downys                5-7 Chickadees
1 Towhee ♂(5)             4-5 Titmice
2 Purple Finches (2 ♂ 5)  2 Nuthatches
2 C. Geese (2 ∆ local)    2-3 Meadowlarks
1 Sharp-shin {S-N 8:30    2 Field Sps.
1 " " {S-N 11:00          1 Chipping Sp.
                          3 Fish Crows

4-8-80 Tues. 52°-
  We take Rachel back to Salem today [[image-crying sad face]].

  Overcast; light breeze - on return trip, rain from Roanoke to Markham, Va. - varying from mist to hard rain. None at home until night.

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