Viewing page 18 of 63

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2 Thrashers (5)                      2 Nuthatches
1 Pil. Woodpecker                  2-3 Meadowlarks
[[red circled *]]1 Red-shoulder    1-2 Field Sps.
2 Bluebirds                          1 Chipping Sp.
1-2 Hairys ♂∆ ♀?             [[red *]] [[red underline]]2 Barn Swallows[[/red underline]] [[red √]][[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]
[[red circled *]]1 Sharp-shin {W-E 4:55     1 TV
[[red √]] [[red underline]]1 Barred Owl[[/red underline]] (5:00 PM)
[[red √]] [[red underline]]1 Yellow-r. W.[[/red underline]]  
2 Killdeers                    1 Woodcock

√ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] First Barn Swallows here 
at home.

4-10-80 Thurs. 42°
Few scattered clouds; calm 
early; wind S, 5-10 mph mid-
day; cloudy in afternoon --

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3-5 White-crowns √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]
                                  8-12 Doves
3-4 Juncos                        7-8 Crows
15-20 White-throats               4 Jays
12-15 C. Waxwings                 100+ Grackles
1 Towhee (5)                      8-10 Red-wings
1 Thrasher (5) ∆                  2-3 Cowbirds
75-100 Robins                     40-50 Starlings
15-20 Cardinals                   10-15 House Sps.
2-4 Mockers                       2-3 Song "
1 Pil. Woodpecker                 1 C. Wren
4-6 Flickers                      7-8 Goldfinches
2-3 Red-bellies                   6-7 Chickadees
2-3 Downys                        4-5 Titmice
[[red *]] 1 Black Vulture           2 Nuthatches
2-3 TVs                           2-3 Meadowlarks
[[red √]] 2-3 Purple Finche       1-2 Field Sps.
[[red √]] 2 Barn Swallows         1-2 Chipping Sps.
1 Phoebe                            1 Killdeer
[[red circled *]]1 Red-shoulder 2X    [[red circled *]] 1 Broadwing {S-N 11:20
[[red √]] 1 Bl-gr. Gnatcatcher    [[red √]] 1 Hairy
[[red circled *]] 1 Red-tail (circling)

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