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[[left margin]]43
[[top margin]][[centre in red]]No Juncos![[/centre in red]]

1 Thrasher ∆                         2-3 Field Sps.
1 TV                                 1-2 Chipping "
4 Barn Swallows      [[strikeout]]1 Yellow-r. W.[[/strikeout]]
2 Bl.-gr. Gnatcatchers  [[strikeout]]√ 1 Purple Finch ♂ [[/strikeout]]
[[red *]] 1 Solitary Vireo (5)         2 Bluebirds
1 Sharp-shin √ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] (11:25)
                                       1 Hairy ∆
1 Yellow-r. W.                         1 Pil. Woodpecker
1-2 Ruby-cr. Kinglets        [[red *]] 1 Wood Duck

4-14-80 Mon. 51°-68°
Very light, occ. showers in night 
-- brisk shower 3:20 A.M. for few 
minutes -- heavy overcast; 
wind NNE, 5-15 mph. occ. 
showers in aft.; wind SE -- 15-25 

3-5 White-crowns           8-12 Doves
15-20 White-throats        5-6 Crows

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[[centre]]Away 2:10 -- 6:00 P.M.[[/centre]]

100± Robins                               4 Jays 4∆
15-20 Cardinals ∆                      100± Grackles
2-4 Mockers ∆                          8-10 Red-wings
6-10 Flickers                           1-2 Cowbirds ♀ ∆
2-3 Red-bellies ∆                     40-50 Starlings
2-3 Downys ∆                          10-15 House Sps. ∆
1-2 Hairys ∆                            2-3 Song "  ∆
2 Towhees ♂♀ 2∆                           1 C. Wren 2∆
1 Thrasher ∆                              7 Goldfinches 7∆
1 House Wren                              7 Chickadees 7∆
[[red √]] 1 Purple Finch ♀∆             4-5 Titmice 4-5∆
15-20 C. Waxwings                         2 Nuthatches 1∆
[[red circled *]][[red underline]]1 Osprey[[/red underline]]{S-N low 6:25 PM                                 2-3 Meadowlarks.
[[red *]][[strikeout]]1 Whip-poor[[/strikeout]]   2-3 Field Sps.
[[arrow pointing down to next line]][[strikeout]]will (5)[[/strikeout]] 7:10 PM                                           1-2 Chipping "
↘︎                                 [[red circled *]] 1 Sharp-shin
[[red *]][[red underline]]1 Chuck-Will's-Widow[[/red underline]] - when first heard beyond Hamphire's Pond, 
I thought of Whip-poor-will, but 
as it called repeatedly for 5+ 
minutes, coming up near

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