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our fence line, it was 
clearly a "chuck", which 
I have heard many times, 
but never here.

4-15-80 Tues. 48°-60° 
Overcast; hard showers 
for a time last night; 
[[red underline]]rain = 0.8"[[/red underline]]  Sunny 
mid-day -- then cloudy 
again; wind 2:00 P.M. on S, 
20-31 mph; shifting to NE 
4:45 PM

[[red √]] 3-5 White-crowns           10-12 Doves (5∆)
[[red √]] [[strikeout]]10-12[[/strikeout]] 15-20 White-throats
                                       5-6 Crows
1 Towhee ♂                               4 Jays
1 Thrasher (5)                        100+ Grackles
10-15 C. Waxwings         
[[red dbl underline]] 20-25 [[/red dbl underline]] Red-wings 
1 House Wren (5)             1-2 Cowbirds
[[red √]] 1-2 Purple Finches (5)     10-15 House Sps.

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[[top margin]][[red text]] √ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Sharp-shin caught Starling on front yard
-- several 15-20 ft. flights with St. screaming
-- landing on lawn each time -- I clapped!
& Starling flew away into Cedar tree.[[end of red text]]

1 Ruby-cr. Kinglet                          2-3 Song Sps.
Robins                                        1 C. Wren
15-20 Cardinals                             6-8 Goldfinches
2-4 Mockers                                 5-7 Chickadees
5-8 Flickers                                4-6 Titmice
2-3 Red-bellies                               2 Nuthatches
2-3 Downys                                  2-3 Meadowlarks
1 Pil. Woodpecker                           2-3 Field Sps.
[[red circled *]] 1 Sharp-shin 
[[red √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]1 Chipping Sp
2 Bluebirds                                   1 TV
1 Hairy                              [[red √]]1 Bl.-gr. Gnatcatcher
[[red √]] 1 Yellow-r. W. (5)        [[red √]] 1 Barred Owl (c)

4-16-80 Wed. 46°-52°
Overcast; brief little shower 
7:00 -- 7:10 A.M. -- interm. sun 
& clouds 8:30 AM. on -- wind 
NNE, 15-30 mph.

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