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* 1 Louis. Water-Thrush (5)    10-12 Doves
3-5 White-crowns               5-6 Crows
15-25 White-throats            4 Jays
12-15 C. Waxwings              100± Grackles
2 Towhees (15) (2c)            8-10 Red-wings
√ [[strikeout, double underline]]2[[/strikeout]]3[[/double line]] Thrashers (5) √ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]
                               40+ Starlings
1 House Wren (5)               10-15 House Sps.
1 Yellow-r. W.                 2-3 Song "
50-60 Robins                   1 C. Wren
15-20 Cardinals                5-7 Goldfinches
2-4 Mockers                    5-7 Chickadees
5-6 Flickers                   4-5 Titmice
3 Red-bellies                  2 Nuthatches
3 Downys                       2-3 Meadowlarks
2 Bluebirds                    2-3 Field Sps.
[[circled *]]1 Red-shoulder    1 Chipping Sp
2-3 Purple Finches (5) (5)     1-2 TVs
1-2 Hairys                     1-2 Bl.-gr. Gnatcatchers

√ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Three (3) Thrashers together in yard; -- scolding -- apparently a triangle --

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4-17-80  Thurs. 31°-58°
Ice on bird bath -- almost totally [[underline]]cloudless[[/underline]] -- total in afternoon  .

3-5 White-crowns             8-12 Doves
15-25 White-throats          5-6 Crows
2 C. Geese (local)           [[double underline]]7 [[/underline]] Jays
2 Towhees                    75± Grackles
3 Thrashers                  8-10 Red-wings
1 Ruby-cr. Kinglet (5)       40+ Starlings
1-2 P. Finches ♀∆            10-15 House Sps.
50+ Robins                   2-3 Song "
15-20 Cardinals              1 C. Wren
2-4 Mockers                  5-7 Goldfinches
4-6 Flickers                 5-7 Chickadees
2-3 Red-bellies              4-5 Titmice
2-3 Downys                   2 Nuthatches
2 Bluebirds                  2-3 Meadowlarks

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