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1-2 Hairys                  2-3 Field Sps.
1 Bl.-gr. Gnatcatcher 2X    1 Chipping Sp.
1 Phoebe                    1 Cowbird

(4 [[strikeout]]?[[/strikeout]] sp.)

4-18-80 Fri. 36°-68°
  Few clouds around S horizon early, then cloudless to about 4:00 PM -- then horizon clouds again.  Wind 9 -- 3 P.M., NNE 10-15 mph.

3-5 White-crowns (5)        8-12 Doves (5)
15-25 White-throats (5)     5-7 Crows
1 Louis. Water-thrush (5)   5-6 Jays
2 Bluebirds (15)            50-60 Grackles  (5)
3-5 (?)Ruby-cr. Kingletts   6-8 Red-wings (5)
2 Killdeers                 1-2 Cowbirds (5)
3 [[strikeout]]2[[/strikeout]] Green Herons   40+ Starlings
1 House Wren (5)            10-15 House Sps.
2-3 Thrashers (15)          2-3 Song "  (5)

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[[start of page]]

30-40 Robins                1 C. Wren (5)
15-20 Cardinals (5)         5-8 Goldfinches (5)
2-4 Mockers (5)             5-7 Chickadees (5)
6-8 Flickers (5)            4-5 Titmice (5)
2-3 Red-bellies (5)         1-2 Nuthatches (5)
2-3 Downys (5)              2-3 Meadowlarks (5)
[[circled *]] 1 Sharp-shin {S-N low 10:10 AM   
                            1-2 Field Sps. (5)
2-3 Purple Finches (5)      1-2 Chipping "
√ [[underline]]8 Eve. Grosbeaks √ [[superscript over √]] 1 [[/superscript]] 12:00 M (12-10; 2:00-2:15)[[/underline]]
                           √ 1 [[underline]]Osprey (5) {S-N 1:55 PM [[/underline]]
                            1 Phoebe (5)
[[circled *]] 1 Red-tail {S-N 1:55 PM med. alt.
                           * 8 [[underline]] Tree Swallows √ [[superscript over √]] 1 [[/superscript]]
1-2 Hairys
1-2 Bl.-gr. Gnatcatchers    [[circled *]] 1 [[underline]] Osprey [[/underline]] {S-N 3:02 AM low
[[circled *]] 1 Marsh Hawk {S-N, low 3:55 PM
* 1 Peregrine {S-N 4:25 PM med. alt[[good guess]] 
[[circled *]] 1 Red-shoulder       4 Barn Swallows √ [[superscript over √]] 2 [[/superscript]]
3-4 Yellow-r. Ws (5)(local)        2 Wood Ducks {from Pond
1 Pil. Woodpecker          √ [[underline]]Chuck-wills-widow [[/underline]]

√ [[superscript over √]] 1 [[/superscript]] First 5 Tree Swallows all singles, widely spaced in time, then 3 in succession (S-N)

[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Note on Pg 1: Kingletts is spelled with 2 t's.