Viewing page 26 of 63

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4-20-80 Sun. 52 °- 76°
Almost cloudless - scattered
clouds mid-day - then almost 
cloudless again - wind mid-aft.
W, 5-10 mph

3-5 White-crowns                      10-15 Doves
15-20 White-throats                   5-6 Crows
2 Towhees ♂♀                          4-6 Jays
[[checkmark]] 3 Thrashers                         30+ Grackles
[[checkmark]] [[underline, double red]] 2 [[/underline, double red]] House Wrens ♂♀ at box                       5-6 Red-wings
[[checkmark]] [[underline, red]] 5 [[/underline, red]] Barn Swallows 
                                      1-2 Cowbirds
[[checkmark]] 2-4 Ruby-cr. Kinglets               40+ Starlings
20+ Robins                            10-15 House Sps.
15-20 Cardinals                       2-3 Song "
2-4 Mockers                           1 C. Wren
3-5 Flickers                          5-7 Goldfinches
2-3 Red-bellies                       5-7 Chickadees
2-3 Downys                            4-6 Titmice
2 Hairys                              2 Nuthatches 
[[checkmark]] 4-6 Eve. Grosbeaks {5:45 AM 3:00PM  2-3 Meadowlarks
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[checkmark]] 1 Phoebe (5)                        2-3 Field Sps.
[[checkmark]]  2 Purple Finches (5)                1 Chipping Sp.
[[circled *]]1 Red-shoulder [[checkmark]]         [[checkmark]]  2-3 Bl-gr. Gnatcatchers
[[circled*]]1 Sharp-shin {S-N mid 10:30 [[checkmark]]  1 Kingfisher
                                      1 Killdeer
[[circled]]*1 " -" {S-N Low 3:00PM  [[checkmark]] 1 Green Heron 
* 1 Merlin {E-W med alt. 6:00 PM
?? [[red underline]] White-eyed Vireo [[/underline]]

4-21-80 Mon. 55° - 71°
Tessie leaves for Michigan today [[image - sad face with tears coming down both cheeks]]

Overcast early; scattered
clouds by 10:00 A.M.; wind
NNE, 10-20 mph, 10:00 A.M.
on to about 3:00 P.M. Cloudless 
in afternoon - 
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Girl's name originally transcribed as "Jessie" but in a later page, it is clearly "Tessie".