Viewing page 28 of 63

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✓3 Purple Finches(5)           1. C. Wren (5)
✓3-4(?) Blue-gr. Gnatcatchers  ✓7 Goldfinches (5)
20-30 Robins (5)               5-7 Chickadees (5)
15-20 Cardinals (5)            4-5 Titmice (5)
2-4 Mockers (5)                2 Nuthatches (5)
5-6 Flickers (5)               2-3 Meadowlarks (5)
2-3 Red-bellies (5)            2-3 Field Sps. (5)
2-3 Downys (5)                 1-2 Chipping Sps. (5)
[[circled *]] 1 Sharp-shin✓    3 Barn Swallows
1 Phoebe                       ✓1 Wh.-eyed Vireo (5)
1-2 Hairys                    [[circled *]] 1 Red-shoulder 
[[circled *]] 1 Peregrine {S-N low & fast 3:45PM ✓[[underlined]]5[[/underlined]] TVs (1flock)
✓Gr. Blue Herons
(to Pond-8:40PM
1 Pil. Woodpecker 
[[check-red]] [[underlined-red]] 1 Bob-White [[/underlined]]

4-23-80 Wed. 47°-70°
Cloudless; calm; brief showers
10:45 P.M. & 1:30 A.M. - twice.
[[underlined]]Light[[\underlined]] variable breeze late aft;
few clouds on SW horizon.
[[end page]]

[[Begin page]]
[[top margin note]]1 Purple Martin at Cloverleaf
- house gone.[[end top margin note]]

✓ 1 Parula W. (5) in yard [[u/l]]2X[[u/l]]   10-15 Doves
3-5 White-crowns                   5-6 Crows
15-20 White-throats                4-6 Jays
✓4-5 Eve. Grosbeaks                30+ Grackles
✓3-4 Purple Finches                4-6 Red-wings
2 House Wrens                      30+ Starlings
2 Towhees                          10-15 House Spr.
3 Thrashers                        2-3 Song "
3-4 Barn Swallows                  1 C. Wren
✓20+ Yellow-r. Ws.                 5-7 Goldfinches
20-30 Robins                       5-7 Chickadees
15-20 Cardinals                    4-5 Titmice
2-4 Mockers                        2 Nuthatches
1 Pil. Woodpecker                  2-3 Meadowlarks
4-6 Flickers                       2-3 Field Sps.
2-3 Red-bellies                    2-3 Chipping "
2-3 Downys                         2 Bluebirds
1-2 Hairys                        ✓1 Wh.-eyed Vireo (5)
*1 Red-eyed Vireo (5)              1 TV
2 Killdeers✓[[strikeout]]1 Wh.eyed vireo (5)[[strikeout]]
✓3-4 Ruby-cr. Kinglets(5)          10 Cowbirds
*1 Yellow-b Sapsucker ad ♂       [[circled *]]1 Sharp-shin
[[end page]]