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* 1 Red-shoulder √    [[double underlinhe]]2 [[/double underline]] Bob-white

* 1 Purple Martin at Cloverleaf - but no nest box!

4/24/80 - Thurs. 47° -
Cloudless + calm early; wind S-SW, 10-20mph, 3:00 -
Thunder in west, beg. 4:00 P.M.
rain beg 4:30P.M. Wind to NNE
by 4:45 - to 35mph.- SE by 6:00
Rain = 0.3"

[[underline]]✔1 Junco on drive[[/underline]]
                                 15-20 Doves
3-5 White-crowns                 5-6 Crows
15-20 White-throats              4 Jays
[[strikeout]]2-3[[/strikeout]]✔3-4 Towhees   30+Grackles
3 Thrashers                      5-6 Red-wings
1 White-eyed Vireo (5)           20+ Starlings
2-3 Purple Finches               10-15 House Sp.
[[end page]]

[[begin page]]
10-20 Yellow-r Ws.               2-3 Song Sps.
20± Robins                       1 C. Wren
15-20 Cardinals                  6-7 Goldfinches
2-4 Mockers                      5-7 Chickadees
3-4 Flickers                     4-5 Titmice
3 Red-bellies                    2 Nuthatches
3 Downys                         2-3 Meadowlarks
2 Barn Swallows                  2-3 Field Sps.
1 Red-eyed Vireo(5)              2 Chipping "
2 House Wrens                    2 Bluebirds
1-2 Hairys                     ✔[[underline]]2 Eve Grosbeaks[[/underline]]
2-3 Bl.-gr. Gnatcatchers       ✔[[underline]]1 Purple Martin ♂[[/underline]]
1 Green Heron                   1-2 Cowbirds
(51 sp)

4-25-80 Fri 50°-72°
Heavy fog; clearing by 7:30 AM
-cloudy mid-aft. mostly
clear by 4:30 P.M. - wind
NE, 10-20 mph in afternoon.