Viewing page 30 of 63

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Saved first Box Tortoises I've seen this yr
--on Newman Rd. ^ - 3 ft. apart - both still
with wet mud on their shells.
*1 Orchard Oriole (5)    12-15 Doves (5)
3-5 White-crowns (5)     4-6 Crows
15-20 White-throats (5)  [[underlined]]50 Jays [[✔ with subscript 1]] [[/underlined]]
✔ 1 yellowthroat (5)     50+ Grackles (5)
✔ [[u/l]]2-4 Eve. Grosbeaks[[u/l]]   4-6 Red-wings(5)
✔2-4 Purple Finches (5)  2-3 Cowbirds
✔ 20-30 Yellow-r. Ws.    20+ Starlings
✔ 1 Wh.-eyed Vireo (5)   10-15 House Sps.
✔1 Red-eyed Vireo (5)    2-3 Song " (5)
2 House Wrens (5)         1 C. Wren (5)
3 Towhees (5)             5-7 Goldfinches (5)
3 Thrashers               5-7 Chickadees (5)
1 Phoebe (5)              4-6 Titmice (5)
✔2-3 Ruby-cr. Kinglets(5) 2 Nuthatches (5)
20-30 Robins              2-3 Meadowlarks (5)
15-20 Cardinals           2-3 Field Sps. (5)
2-4 Mockers               1-2 Chipping " (5)
6-10 Flickers   ✔[[underlined]]1 Junco [[/underlined]]
2-3 Red-bellies           2 TVs
2-3 Downys                1 Fish Crow
1-2 Hairys   [[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]] 8 Barn Swallows
1 Killdeer                ✔ Prairie W. (5)


[[Begin page]]
First two Box Turtles on Newman Rd. - mud-covered

2-3 Blue-gr. Gnatcatchers        ✔1 Yellow W. (5)
1 Parula W. (5)                  *No Oriole (5)
3 C. Geese(local)         [[circled *]] 1 Red-shoulder
1 Pil. Woodpecker                2 Bluebirds
✔ 1 Purple Martin    ✔[[superscript]]1[[/superscript]]Jay fleglets
Along Newman Rd. - near Fairfax Station Rd.:
2 Yellowthroats                   1 Phoebe
1 Wh.-eyed Vireo                  1 Ruby-cr.
Kinglet, 1 Yellow-thr. Vireo,
1 Kingbird

4-26-80 Sat. 51°-54°
Overcast; drizzle began 6:35 AM
-continuing all day - fairly
hard at times.