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[[in red]] Tessie home 4/28 !!! [[/ red]]

4-29-80 Tues. 49°-
Fog; heavy overcast - partly clearing by 8:00 A.M.; wind SE, 5-10 mph. Rain toward midnight - [[in red]] total = 0.3" [[/red]]

3-5 White-crowns                        10-15 Doves
15-20 White-throats                     4-5 Crows
2 House Wrens      [[underline, in red]] 100± Jays [[/underline]
1-2 Red-eyed Vireos                     10-15 Grackles
[[underline, in red]] [[red √]] 2 [[/underline]] White eyed " [[ditto for: Vireos]] (25)    2-3 Red-wings
2-3 Blue-gr. Gnatcatchers               1-2 Cowbirds
3-4 Ruby-cr. Kinglets                   10-15 Starlings
1 Parula W.                             10-15 House Sps.
1 Kingfisher                            2-3 Song "[[ditto for: Sps.]]
8-10 Robins                             1 C. Wren
15-20 Cardinals                         4-6 Goldfinches
2-4 Mockers                             5-6 Chickadees
4-5 Flickers                            4-5 Titmice
2-3 Red-bellies                         1-2 Nuthatches
2-3 Downys                              2-3 Meadowlarks

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[[start of page]]

[[top margin in red]] [[√ with 1 inside]] 1 Bl. & Wh. W. -- first here -- but one at Lake Burke on 4/8/80 [[end of top margin in red]]

1-2 Hairys                              2-3 Field Sps. 
3 Barn Swallows                         1-2 Chipping " [[ditto for: Sps.]]
2-3 Towhees                             1 Phoebe
1-2 Thrashers                           1 Wood Thrush (5)
1 Pil. Woodpecker                       1 Purple Finch
10-15 Yellow-r. Ws.          [[red *]] 1 Bl. & White [[red √]] W. (5) in yard 
[[red *, circled]] 1 Red-shoulder [[red √]]                      1 P. Martin ♂ (5)
[[red *]] 2-3 (?) Cape May W. ♂(5) in yard      3 TVs
[[red *]] 1 R.-t. Hummingbird ♀∆                1 Yellowthroat
[[strikeout]] Pil. Woodpecker [[/strikeout]] 
                                  [[red *]] 1 Cr. Flycatcher in yard ♀ (c)
[[red *, circled]] Sharpshin {at house 7:05 PM

4-30-80 Wed. 53°-59°
Heavy overcast; wind NNE, 5-20)
mph. occ. bright sun in A.M. - brief )
sprinkle 1:35 P.M.
