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5-4-80 Sun. 62°-79°
Cloudless; wind NW, 5-20
mph. to mid-aft.-
[[underline]] absolutely perfect day! [[\underline]]

3-5 White-crowns (5)          15-20 Doves
[[red underline]] 8-10 [[/underline]] White-throats (5)        4-6 Crows
[[red √]] [[red underline]] 2 [[/underline]] No. Oriole (5) ♂ ♀  [[red underline]]      3-400 [[/underline]] Jays
[[red underline]] [[red √]] 1 Black-b. Cuckoo [[/underline]] [[red]] (5) [[/red]]       10-15 Grackles
1 Yellowthroat (5)            3-4 Red-wings
40-50 Yellow-r. Ws.           2 Cowbirds
2 Towhees (5)                 15-20 Starlings
2 Thrashers (5)               10-15 House Sps.
4 [[strikeout]] 3 [[\strikeout]] Barn Swallows  2-3 Song " [[ditto for: Sps.]]                     
2 House Wrens (15)            1 C. Wren
1 Acad. Flycatcher            6-8 Goldfinches
2-3 Red-eyed Vireos           5-6 Chickadees
1 White-eyed " [[ditto for: Vireo]]  4-5 Titmice
1 Phoebe                      ? Nuthatches
1 Cr. Flycatcher              2-3 Meadowlarks

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[red]] Grey Fox - 6:40 PM + 
3 Rabbits          about 7:00 [[/red]]

1-2 Yellow Ws.                2-3 Field   Sps.
2 Catbirds                    1-2 Chipping " [[ditto for: Sps.]]
[[red √]] 1-2 Blue-gr. Gnatcatchers  1 Killdeer
1 Hummingbird                 2 TVs
[[red √]] 1 Wood Duck ♀  [[red √]] [[red underline]] 1 Purple Finch [[/underline]] (5)
[[red √]] 1 Louis. Water-thrush (5)  [[red underline]] 3-4 [[/underline]] C. Waxwings
1 Pil. Woodpecker    [[red √]] 3-5 Cape May Ws.
[[red √]] 1 Bl.-thr. Blue W. (5) [[red √]]     1 Purple Martin
10-15 Robins     [[red √]] [[red underline]] 1 Black Vulture [[/underline]] S-N 4:30
15-20 Cardinals               1 Ch. Swift
3-4 Mockers         [[red √]] 1 Sc. Tanager (5)
3-4 Flickers                  1 Kingbird
2-3 Red-bellies
2 Hairys                     {White-throats  2-3Downys                    {thinning out-

5-5-80 Mon. 49°-85°
Glorious day again!
Cloudless early, then high 
scattered clouds.  Wind
NW, 5-20 mph.