Viewing page 40 of 63

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[[The following are in red ink: note in top margin, all checkmarks, asterisks, underlines and strikeout. Remainder of content in blue ink.]]

[[top margin]]Lucy Johnstons reports [[u/l]]two[[/u/l]] Rose-br. Grosbeaks on 5/5  [[end of top margin]]

√ [[underlined]]White-throat[[/underlined]]            15-25 Doves (5)
[[underlined]]2[[/underlined]] Yellow-b. Cuckoos (25)  4-5 Crows
2 Yellowthroats ([[underlined]]25[[underlined]])      100+ Jays
1 White-eyed Vireo (5)    15-20 Grackles
1-2 Red-eyed Vireos (5)   4-5 Red-wings
1 Parula (5)              2 Cowbirds
1 Acad. Flycatcher (5)    15-20 Starlings
√ 1 Louis. Water-thrush (5) 10-15 House Sps.
* 1 Yellow-br. Chat (5)   2-3 Song " (5)
[[underlined]]3[[/underlined]] House Wrens ([[underlined]]25[[underlined]])        1 C. Wren (5)
2-3 Towhees (5)           10-15 Goldfinches (5)
2 Thrashers (5)           5-6 Chickadees (5)
50-60 Yellow-r. Ws. (5)   4-6 Titmice (5)
1 Phoebe (5)              2-3 Meadowlarks (5)
8-10 Robins (5)           2-3 Field Sps. (5)
15-25 Cardinals (5)       2 Chipping Sps. (5)
3-4 Mockers (5)           1 Killdeer
1 Pil. Woodpecker         4 [[strikeout]]3-4 [[/strikeout]] Barn Swallows
2-3 Flickers              1-2 Kingbirds
2-3 Red-bellies           1 Sc. Tanager (5)
2-3 Downys                2 Catbirds (5)
2 Hairys                  4-5 C. Waxwings

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1 Wood Thrush (5)         2 C. Geese (local)
√ [[u/l]]White-crown[[/u/l]]  1 Indigo Bunting (5)
1 Cr. Flycatcher          2 TVs
1 No. Oriole              2 Purple Martins
1 Orchard Oriole (5)      2 Bluebirds
[[circled]]*[[/circled]] 1 Red-shoulder          5 [[strikeout]] 2[[/strikeout]] Ch. Swifts
* [[u/l]3 Nighthawks {S-N 7:10 PM 7:25 7:35 [[/u/l]
* 1 Peewee

5-7-80 Wed. 51°-78°
Very few, small clouds; wind W, 10-20 mph.  Light showers began about 6:40 P.M.

1 Sc. Tanager             20-25 Doves
2 Red-eyed Vireos         4-5 Crows
1 White-eyed Vireo        30-40 Jays
Yellow-r. Ws.             15-20 Grackles

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