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3-4 Cape May Ws. (5)           2-3 Meadowlarks (5)
8-10 Robins (5)                2-3 Field Sps. (5)
10-15 Cardinals (5)            2-3 Chipping " (5)
3-4 Mockers (5)                4-6 C. Waxwings
2-3 Flickers (5)               2 Ch. Swifts
2-3 Red-bellies                2 Bluebirds ♂♀
2-3 Downys         4 [[strikeout]]3[[/strikeout]] Barn Swallows
1 Wood Thrush (5)       [[u/l]]1 Ruby-cr. Kinglet [[/u/l]]
√ 3-4 Blackpoll Ws. (5)        1 Yellowthroat
1 Cr. Flycatcher               1 Acad. Flycatcher
1 Indigo Bunting ♂           √ 1 Louis. Water-thrush (5)
1 Hummingbird                  2 Purple Martins
* [[u/l]]1 Least Flycather[[/u/l]]      3 TVs
1 Parula W. (5)          [[strikeout]]C. Waxwings[[/strikeout]]
1 Pil. Woodpecker              2 Hairys
* 1 Rose-br. Grosbeck

√1 2 Yellow-billed Cuckoos in yard together

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[[top margin]] Away 6:25 A.M. -- 11:40 P.M. -- Pine Ridge Count [[/top margin]]

5-10-80 Sat. 35°-70°
Frost in low areas; calm early; wind W, 10-15 mph by 11:00 A.M.

White-crown                        Doves
White-throats                      Crows
Yellowthroat                       Jays
White-eyed Vireo                   Grackles
Red-eyed Vireo                     Red-wings
Yellow-r. Ws.                      Cowbirds
Wood Thrush                        Starlings
Phoebe                             House Sps.
Peewee                             Song "
Towhees                            C. Wren
Thrashers                          Goldfinches
Catbirds                           Chickadees
Yellow W.                          Titmice
Acad. Flycatcher                   Meadowlarks

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