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First Fireflies!

Robins                Field Sps.
Cardinals             Chipping Sps.
Mockers               Barn Swallows
Flickers              Ch. Swift
Red-bellies           House Wrens
Downys              √ 1 Least Flycatcher
Yellow b.Chat(5)    [[circled]] * [[/circled]]  2 Red-shoulders
Purple Martins        1 Nashville W. (5)
C. Waxwings,          3-4 Barn Swallows
2 P. Martins        √ 1 Prairie W. (5)
[[strikethrough]] 1 Prairie W. (- [[/strikethrough]]

5-11-80 Sun. 59°--
Overcast. wind S-SW, 10-20 mph
occ. spatter's of rain; then cloudless 4:00 P.M. on.
Great day in late afternoon

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[[top margin]] 1 Chipmunk ∆
               No White-crowns! [[/top margin]]

8-10 White-throats           20+ Doves
2 House Wrens                4-5 Crows
1 White-eyed Vireo           20-30 Jays
2 Red-eyed Vireos            10-15 Grackles
1 Sc. Tanager                4-5 Red-wings
1 Yellowthroat               2 Cowbirds
1 Indigo Bunting             15+ Starlings
1 No. Oriole                 10-15 House Sps.
1 Kingbird                   2-3 Song Sps.
2 Towhees                    1 C. Wren
2 Thrashers                  5-6 Goldfinches
6-8 Robins                   4-5 Chickadees
15-20 Cardinals              4-5 Titmice
3-4 Mockers                  2-3 Meadowlarks
1 Pil. Woodpecker            2-3 Field Sps.
2 Flickers                   2 Chipping " [[Ditto for: Sps.]]
2-3 Red-bellies              3-4 Barn Swallows
2-3 Downys     √ 1 Acad. [[strikethrough]] Arcd [[/strikethrough]] Flycatcher
1-2 Hairys                 √ 1 Crested " [[Ditto for: Flycatcher]]
10-20 Yellow-r. Ws.          Blackpoll Ws.
2 Ch. Swifts               √ 1 Orchard Oriole (5)