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5-21-80 Wed. 62°-64°
Rain of varying intensity all night; continuing - to noon - wind NE - 5-10 mph. -
heavy overcast all day - 
ash from Mt. St. Helen's (Washington) said to be here - 
[[red ink & underline]] Rain = 1.0" [[/underline]] [[red ink]] Cloudless late afternoon [[/red ink]]

2 Red-eyed Vireos (25)    15-20 Doves
[[red √]] [[red underline]] 2 [[/underline]] White-eyed Vireo [[/red u/l]] (25)[[/u/l]]                  4-5 Crows
3-4 Redstarts (5)         2-3 Jays
1 Wilson's W. (5)         10-15 Grackles
1 Green Heron             1-2 Red-wings
1 Bluebird ♂(5)           2 Cowbirds (5)
1 Acad. Flycatcher        10-15 Starlings
1 Peewee (5)              6-8 House Sps.
50+ C. Waxwings           2-3 Song   " [[ditto for: Sps.]] (5)
1 Yellow-br. Chat (5)     1 C. Wren (5)
1 Pine W. (5)             3-4 Goldfinches (5)
2 Catbirds                4-5 Chickadees (5)
4-5 Robins                4-5 Titmice (5)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[top margin]]2 Chipmunks
(away 1:40-4:00 PM.)[[end of top margin]]
10-11 Cardinals           1-2 Meadowlarks
2-3 Mockers               1-2 Fields Sps.
1 Pil. Woodpecker         1-2 Chipping " [[ditto for: Sps.]]
1-2 Red-bellies           1 Bobwhite
2 Downys                  2 Indigo Buntings (25)
3 Barn Swallows           1 Cr. Flycatcher
1 Thrasher                3 Ch. Swifts
3-5 Blackpoll Ws  [[red underline]] 1 Red-shoulder [[/underline]] [[red √1]]
1 Prairie W. (5)          1 Parula W.
[[red √]] 1 Wh.-b. Nuthatch (5)  1 Wood Thrush
1 Yellow-b. Cuckoo        1 Yellow-throat

[[red]] √1 Lucy Johnston told Claire that she & Carter can see [[double underline]] 3 [[\underline]] young Red-shoulders on nest in their woods - about 1/2 mile from us. [[/red]]