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5-22-80 Thurs. 53°-80°
Fairly heavy fog; cloudless early; scattered clouds 9:30 A.M. on.  Wind NNE, 5-10 mph.

2 Red-eyed Vireos           20+ Doves
1 White-eyed Vireo          4-5 Crows
2 House Wrens               2 Jays
3 Barn Swallows             10-15 Grackles
2 Redstarts                 1-2 Redwings
1 Yellowthroat              2 Cowbirds
3-4 Blackpoll Ws.           10-15 Starlings
1 Acad. Flycatcher          6-8 House Sps.
1 Cr. Flycatcher            2-3 Song   "
√ 1-2 Swainson's Thrushes   1 C. Wren
4-5 Robins                  3-4 Goldfinches
10-15 Cardinals             4-5 Chickadees
2-4 Mockers                 4-5 Titmice
2 Red-bellies               2-3 Meadowlarks
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2 Downys                    2-3 Field Sps.
1 Yellow-br. Chat           2-3 Chipping Sps.
1 Pine W.                   1 Killdeer
2 Indigo Buntings (2s)      1 Peewee
2 Purple Martins            2 Catbirds
1 Pil. Woodpecker           1 Bobwhite
[[red asterisk]] 1-2 Canada Ws. (s)     1 Wood Thrush
1 Parula W. (s)             1 Phoebe
1 Prairie W.                1 Thrasher
1 Red-shoulder              1 Yellow-b. Cuckoo
1 Flicker                   30+ C. Waxwings
1 Yellow W.                 1 Hummingbird
2 TVs                       1 [[red ink]] Nighthawk [[\red ink]]

5-23-80 Fri. 58°-79°
High, thin overcast; cloudy later in afternoon; wind midday 5-10 mph, W + NW