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[[top margin]][[centre]]Woodchuck in yard [[/centre, top margin]]

√ 1 Prairie W.               3-4 Goldfinches
2 Indigo Buntings (25)       4-5 Chickadees
1 Yellowthroat               4-5 Titmice
5-6 Robins [[red]]1-2 Y [[/red]]    2-3 Meadowlarks
10-15 Cardinals              2-3 Field Sps.
2-3 Mockers                  2-3 Chipping "
2 Red-bellies       2 [[strikeout]]1 [[/strikeout]] Bobwhites
2 Downys                     3 Barn Swallows
15-20 Waxwings               2 Purple Martins
[[strikeout]]Yellow-b. Cuckoo[[/strikeout]]   3 Ch. Swifts
1-2 Thrashers                1 Kingbird
√ 2-4 Magnolia Ws. (√3)      2 Peewees
1 Orchard Oriole             1 Green Heron 6X
1 No. Oriole                 2 TVs
2 Bluebirds ♂♀ √1            1 Catbird
1 Flicker                    1 Hummingbird
[[strikeout]]1 1 Yellowthroat[[/strikeout]]
                            * 3 Red-shoulders √2
√ 2 Black Vultures {Soaring N-S 4:30 PM √
                             1 Yellow-br. Chat
√ 1 Yellow-thr. Vireo (5)
1 Wood Thrush

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√1 Bluebirds at nest box all day.
√2 2 Red-shoulders over Hampshire's Pond (one calling) while a third called from direction of Johnston's -- perhaps a hungry young one.
√3 2 Magnolia Ws. singing at same time in front yard; later two more (or same).

5-27-80 Tues. 44°-72°
Within 2° of low record for this date!
  Cloudless; calm early; wind N-NNE by noon -- 10-15 mph to mid-aft.

1 Blackpoll W. (5)                20+ Doves
2 Red-eyed Vireos (25)            4-5 Crows
2 White-eyed Vireos (25)          1-2 Jays

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