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[[top margin]] [[image - arrow pointing up from 3 House Wrens to Young calling]]  young calling [[/top margin]]

3 House Wrens [[double underlined]](25)[[/underlined]] + Y in nest      10-15 Grackles
1 Parula W.                         2 Cowbirds
2-4 Peewees                         30± Starlings
2 Bluebirds                         6-8 House Sps.
1 No. Oriole                        2-3 Song " [[Ditto for: Sps.]]
5-6 Robins                          1 C. Wren
10-15 Cardinals                     2 Goldfinches
2-4 Mockers                         4-5 Chickadees
1 Pil. Woodpecker                   4-5 Titmice
2 Red-bellies                       2-3 Meadowlarks
2 Downys                            2-3 Field Sps.
2 Indigo Buntings (25)              2 Chipping " [[Ditto for: Sps.]]
1 Yellow-b. Cuckoo                  1 Bobwhite
2 Redstarts (25)                    2 Red-wings
1 Thrasher                          1 Nuthatch
1 Green Heron                       1 Orchard Oriole (5)
4 Barn Swallows                     3 Ch. Swifts
2 Purple Martins                    1 Wood Thrush
10-15 C. Waxwings                   1 TV
[[strikethrough]] Redstart [[/strikethrough]]    1 Acad. Flycatcher
1 Cr. Flycatcher                    1 Sc. Tanager (5)
1 Hummingbird

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[top margin]] [[underline]] Away 10:10 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.   [[/underline]] [[/top margin]]

5-28-80 Wed. 51°-
Cloudless and calm early; high, hazy, scattered clouds in afternoon -- wind N, 5-15 mph until about 5:00 P.M.

√ 1 Blackpoll W.               20-30 Doves
2 Red-eyed Vireos (25)         4-5 Crows
1 White-eyed Vireo (5)         1-2 Jays
2 House Wrens +Y               10-15 Grackles
1 Thrasher                     2 Cowbirds
2 Indigo Buntings (25)         30+ Starlings
2-4 Peewees                    6-10 House Sps.
2 Bluebirds                    2-3 Song " [[Ditto for: Sps.]]
5-6 Robins                   √ [[underline]] 2 [[/underline]] C. Wrens [[double underlined]] (25) [[/underlined]]
10-15 Cardinals                2 Goldfinches
2-4 Mockers                    3-4 Chickadees
2 Red-bellies                  3-4 Titmice
2 Downys                       2-3 Meadowlarks
3 Barn Swallows                2-3 Field Sps.
2 Purple Martins               2-3 Chipping Sps.