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2 Red-eyed Vireos (25)                    20+ Doves
1 White-eyed Vireo                        4-6 Crows
3 House Wrens +Y (25)                     15-20 Grackles
1 Prairie W. (5)                          2 Cowbirds
1 Sc. Tanager (5)                         20+ Starlings
6 Barn Swallows                           6-8 House Sps.
1 Acad. Flycatcher                        2-3 Song "
1 Cr. Flycatcher                          1 C. Wren
3-4 Peewees                               3 Goldfinches
10-15 [[strikeout]]Barn[[/strikeout]] Cardinals (Y)
                                          2-3 Chickadees
6-8 Robins (Y)                            2-4 Titmice
2-4 Mockers                               2-3 Meadowlarks
1-2 Red-bellies                           2-3 Field Sps.
1-2 Downys                                2-3 Chipping "
1 Green Heron                             1 Bobwhite
2 Indigo Buntings (25)                    1 Catbird
1 Yellow-thr. Vireo (5)                   1 Thrasher
3 [[strikeout]]2[[/strikeout]] Bluebirds √[[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]]                      2 TVs
1 Yellow throat (5)                       1 Red-shoulder
1 Yellow-br. Chat (5)       [[strikeout]] 1 Sc. Tanager [[/strikeout]]
1 Orchard Oriole (5)                      Red-wing

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1 Pil. Woodpecker                         1-2 Jays
1 No. Oriole ♂ (5)                        2 Ch. Swifts

√ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Pr. of Bluebirds at nest-box, plus one spotted young in yard in late aft. (7:45 PM.)

Note:  in late aft., I was in kitchen with Claire -- heard bird screaming in garage -- found 4-5' Black Snake hanging down about 1 foot from top of roll-up garage door, with a Peewee (they have been hunting insects in garage & under soffit for days) in it's mouth, & partly wrapped around it.  Rescued Peewee, which flew away minus a snakesmouth full of feathers.  Disposed of snake.

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