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6-10-80 Tues. 56°--71° Heavy overcast; drizzle began about 6:00 A.M. - to 9:30 [[underline]] A.M. or so = 0.2". [[/underline]] Thunder to NW, 1:55 P.M. Rain began 2:15 P.M. -- wind NE, 15-25 mph. [[underline]] Rain = 0.2" [[/underline]] 2 Red-eyed Vireos (25) 20+ Doves 1 White-eyed Vireo (5) 4-5 Crows 3 House Wrens +Y √ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript (25) 1-2 Jays 2 Indigo Buntings (25) 15-20 Grackles 1 Yellowthroat (5) 1-2 Cowbirds 1 Sc. Tanager (5) 20+ Starlings 1 Yellow-br. Chat (5) 6-8 House Sps. 1 Parula W. (5) 2-3 Song " 2 Bluebirds (5) 1 C. Wren 1 Orchard Oriole (5) 3 Goldfinches 6-8 Robins 2-3 Chickadees ?Y 15+ Cardinals 2-3 Titmice 2-3 Mockers 2-3 Meadowlarks 1-2 Red-bellies 2-3 Field Sps. [[end of page]] 1-2 Downys 2-3 Chipping Sps. 1 Green Heron 1 Red-shoulder 2-4 Peewees 1 Bob-white √ 1-2 C. Waxwings 2 Barn Swallows √ [[superscript over √]]1[[/superscript]] Young House Wrens left nest on side of garage about 2:00 P.M. (in rain) -- stayed along fence row near crabapple to about 4:00 P.M. -- then headed to woods (as usual) -- perhaps 3-4 young. Note: Peggy Johnson told Claire today that she [[strikeout]] h [[/strikeout]] and Frank have had "about a dozen" quail around their home this spring -- [[end of page]]